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Planning to Tan?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:04 am
by MistressCourtney

Re: Planning to Tan?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:47 am
by _Davina_
Bikini tan lines are awesome. It's been many years since I did it but my wife and I stretched our towels out next to each other on a rather secluded section of a public beach and I got the best set of bikini tan lines. We actually went for several days in a row so I had tan lines that lasted till almost November.

There were a couple girls who were just casually walking down the beach and stopped to do a double=take but never said a word. I believe they were smirking as the whispered to each other and that was the hottest part.

Re: Planning to Tan?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:38 pm
by CathyLPeterson
'Never been able to add those "somewhat" permanent lines to my back, shoulders, chest, waist, butt, "V" - just too many situations with our cupcake members (my wife's 2 sisters + their husbands/kids, and my 3 sisters and their husbands + kids, plus our 2 sons) where I just MIGHT end up at the pool or beach or lake, and any quick change of shirts or rash-guard without thinking would be unexplainable to all/any of those.

But, oh how fun that WOULD be (could be?) to do . . . . just can't risk it (yet it's funny saying this, even as I sit here at my computer in my home office wearing a deep burgundy/wine-maroon clingy cotton-knit dress with bra, panties, full slip, brand new pair of black lace-top thigh-highs and black flats (I shaved my legs this morning and these stockings on my legs are so incredibly silky smooth).

Ahhh, my life since October-2011 is a series of conflicts that barely make any sense . . . . but I'm loving it!

Re: Planning to Tan?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:51 am
by _Davina_
I know what you mean. About ten years ago, I started doing an annual physical at the request of my wife which I thought wasn't so bad but my doctor is a very nice female who tends to act very professional and started me on a six-month "follow-up" as well. If it wasn't for that, I might have considered it again but let me tell you, those tan lines don't lie. The bottom ones could be explained away easy enough as a speedo but the top, well, nothing says sissy more than distinct bikini tan lines.

My kids are grown and live in another state so I don't have any concerns about that but even the possibility that I could end up in an ER sometime is reason enough not to do it. I still think a person might be able to use the "I lost a bet" excuse but it would still have people wondering.

Re: Planning to Tan?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 12:05 pm
by Dena
I would tan in a bikini, but alas, I'm too fair skinned and don't tan well.

Re: Planning to Tan?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 6:22 pm
by MistressCourtney
Oh what fun! It sounds like most of you have had some experience. To all the fair-skinned sissies, I feel your pain! I don't tan very well, either. Oh well!

~Mistress Courtney
YIM: mscourtney_controlsyou