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Polly Did What?

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:31 pm
by EnchantrixWillow
No no dear.. Poly.

How do you feel about polygamy and long term committed relationships with multiple people?

My turn:
Ebony Femdom - Thoughts on Polyamory and Polyandry

In short, I am pro-poly, as long as you are mentally cupcake and can handle the required commitment. And I'm big pro polyandry. While those might not be personal choices for me, I see nothing wrong with people being in a cupcake, loving environment and getting their needs met.

But that starts with positive mental health, and a reminder, that relationships are not meant to fix people. And you cannot fix people who refuse to help themselves.

Do listen to the podcast, and remember if you're going to have multiple partners, all of you need to get tested often, and be safe.

Re: Polly Did What?

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 10:57 pm
by Brighton
I think poly does often leak over into cuckolding or vice versa, it just depends on your situation. I agree that you can't just spring being poly on someone because that's a really dickish thing to do.

Re: Polly Did What?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 11:26 am
by Mistress Erika
To each their own, I say. Great podcast too!

But you bring up some very important points, namely: you must be in a healthy headspace to involve yourself in a polly relationship!

I wonder, tho how many gurls on the board have fantasized about a relationship like that and how it "LOOKS" to them!

Let's here it gals!