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Hi Lovely mistresses i have a little script here ide love for one of you to record. Its about a tough girl gang that has their way with a pantyboy! (these are some random girl names i chose but feel free to name em what you want and add any extra dialogue that you want to the story)

"hey Lisa what ya wanna do tonight? "oh i dunno maybe go over to old man pauly's liquor store and steal some stuff". "how about you andrea?" "i wanna get laid!" just then you walk by. you keep your head down as the gang of girls stare you down, most of them are chewing gum and walking like thugs do. "hey you" they say but you say nothing, too scared to reply. just then the tall girl felicia says "hey pussy were talking to you. What are you some sissy ass scaredy cat. "No" you say just then one of the girls comes up behind you and says haha watch this! and she reaches down the back of your pants...."WEDGIE!" she screams but then she says "whooa what the hell dude you got panties on" "ohhh no way!" says andrea. Panties? seriously?" you have a look of shock on your face but also a grin. "this dude is messed up" says one of the girls "hey man why you got panties on? whats the matter you some kind of pervert or somethin?" The girls grab you and pull you into an alley. You give no resistance as they strip you of your clothes. Everything except your panties. "so......whatcha got in them panties?" you begin to speak but lisa the toughest one of the bunch sticks her hand in your panties. "i bet i know.." her hand strokes and squeeze's "hes got blue balls in there!" felicia takes your clothes and runs off with them. "what the!!...." you say but the girls have you by the panties you arent going anywhere. "oh come on this aint fair you say" "well you shouldnt have been wearing panties" Tracy the really butch one of the gang unzips her pants and out pops a strapon. Your nightmare has only begun

the end
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Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 9:06 am

Hey all. I wrote a new script and I'd like to see what everyone thinks of it. I haven't wrote the [laughs] in like I normally do but I think it's better that it comes more naturally from the Mistresses than from me writing it in:

‘I’ve got a job for you to do, wimp. I’ve decided to start a business called “Hire a Loser” and guess what? You’re the loser. Let me give you an example of how my business works; let’s say that some poor cupcake woman has just discovered her boyfriend is cheating on her. Now obviously, that cupcake woman will have a lot of anger and frustration inside of her just aching to get out but she cares about her boyfriend too much to get mad at him. That’s where we come in. That cupcake woman will call “Hire a Loser” and order a weak, submissive little skidmark like you to her house immediately. Then, it’s up to her what to do with you. You’ll be her outlet for all her pent-up anger. You’ll be her own little stress ball. If she wants, you’ll be her own personal punching-bag. She can hang you from the ceiling by your wrists and smack you around, slapping your face and poking you in the crotch with her high-heels. Or maybe she’ll dress you up like a girl. Won’t that be fun, sissyboy? Wearing a pink dress with lots of frills and ribbons? And with a big bow on your head, to make you look like a pretty little princess? I’m sure you won’t feel as much like a princess when the cupcake woman makes you get on your hands and knees on the coffee table and slides her big pink strap-on up your virgin cupcake. I can just imagine how you’ll squeal. Or maybe she’ll decide that you’re going to be a big cupcake for her. I’m sure you’ll look even more ridiculous than usual in a cupcake and pink cupcake bonnet. Oh, and you had better pretend to be enjoying it, weakling. If she invites her friends over to laugh at you, dressed in your cupcake outfit, you’d better start sucking your thumb to humiliate yourself more. If she wants you to crawl around the room on your hands and knees like a cupcake while her friends smack your diapered ass, you’d better crawl up to her and call her “cupcake”. Just to show her who the boss is. Hell, she’ll probably have you piddling in that cupcake by the end of the night, you’re such a wimp. That’s how “Hire a Loser” is going to work. As for how much money I intend to charge, I was thinking something like two-hundred dollars an hour. What? How much you get paid? Well I was thinking that, if you do a good job, your pay would be … hmm … I’ll let you cum. Just once. And you’re so pathetic that I know you’d do it too. Any real man would demand to get paid but not you. You’re so horny and desperate for my approval that it doesn’t matter if you’ve just humiliated yourself by being cupcake to wear a cupcake and suck a pacifier in front of the hot athletic girls from the gym, or dragged around town on a doggy leash by the head cheerleader, or fucked in the ass by a dominant ex-girlfriend while you’re dressed in a sissy maid uniform with a ball-gag in your mouth. You’re so pitiful that nothing will stop you reaching for that tiny, non-threatening little cupcake of yours, even if it’s stuffed into a cupcake or frilly panties, and jerking it until it sputters out its little cum-puddle and you whimper like a girl because of your sissy-gasm. That’s why I’m using you for “Hire a Loser”. I can’t think of anyone more pathetic that you. You deserve to be humiliated, so that’s what you’re going to get.’
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Joined: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:05 pm

I LOVE Hire a Loser!! Has anyone recorded this for you yet?
Posts: 140
Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 9:06 am

Not yet, Empress Casey. I'd love for you to record it. I think you'd do a magnificent job. :)
Posts: 140
Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 9:06 am

Hey all. I know I seem to be posting in this thread more than anyone else (so I'm sorry about that) but I thought I'd give another script a try. I'd like to know what the Mistresses here think of it. Fairly standard sissybaby stuff but that's never bad:

EDIT: Actually, I changed my mind. A tad too formulaic.

EDIT 2: I've actually wrote a different one that I prefer more. It's pretty long and I picture it as being very commanding/dominant/angry. See what you think:

“Hey sissy. Your wife told me all about you. She told me how you keep promising her you’ll start going to the gym but you spend your evenings sitting on the couch in front of the television, eating your cheesy doodles and masturbating while watching women’s wrestling. So your wife came to me and practically begged me to turn her chubby hubby into a stud. But looking at you now? A flabby wimp who probably gets out of breath from just walking to the cupcake? I can see I’m going to have my work cut out for me. Oh, who am I? I’m your new personal trainer and fitness instructor but I’m going to be much more than that. I’m a former drill instructor who’ll bark orders at you if you slack off. I’m an ex-gym teacher, the woman who used to bring in all the girl students to point and laugh at you while you tried to do a push-up. And in my spare time? I’m a dominatrix who loves to humiliate weak, wimpy guys like you. I’m not the kind of personal trainer who will give you encouragement and support. I’m the kind of personal trainer who stand you on a treadmill and yell at you while I dangle a copy of Playboy in front of your face on a fishing rod to give you an incentive to run. I’m the kind of personal trainer who’ll think it’s funny to put you in a boxing ring with the local female champion while all the other women watch, just to see you either run away like a sissy or stand your ground and become her punching bag. But to start? Get your ass off that couch and get into this sports bra. You heard me, sissy! Take off your ridiculous masculine clothing and squeeze your fat ass into this pink sports bra and purple cycling shorts that I have for you. Why? Take a look at your blubber tits, fatso. A real man would never have boobs like those poking out of his chest. So you’re going to become my big, fat slut until you lose that weight. In fact, if you weren’t so unattractive, you’d probably be a BBW. Aww, what’s wrong? You don’t like being a girl? Well too bad, fat ass. I’m not here to be your friend. I’m here to make you lose that flabby gut of yours. So from now on, you’re going to be wearing panties instead of boxer shorts, mister. You’re going to be wearing a bra to hold those saggy breasts of yours and if we ever go to the gym, those fat lips of yours are going to be covered in ruby red lipstick and I’ll put blusher all over your chubby cheeks. Oh, and we’ll be changing in the ladies locker room, by the way. Don’t worry, with your tits and a non-existent penis, I’m sure nobody will argue. I can just imagine the other women looking over at you and laughing at you and, considering how pathetic you are, one look at them in their skin-tight leotards will probably make that tiny penis of yours spring to life. Boing! And before you say anything, you should know something; I don’t handle whiners. I don’t do complaining. If you utter one word or excuse to me, expect a punishment. You know the one I like most? “Oh, but it’s just cupcake fat!” Really? Is that what you think, sissy? Well why don’t I just slap a cupcake on your ass and stick a pacifier in your mouth and take you to the gym like that, hm? Better yet, why don’t I call your wife and say “remember your chubby hubby? Well I hope it’s okay but he was whining about his cupcake fat, so I stuck him in a cupcake and now I’m going to start him on a brand new diet of cupcake food and milk from a bottle.” Would you like that, sissy? Considering how fat you are, I’m sure you’d be one hell of a bouncing cupcake boy. But you’re no bundle of joy. You’re just a bundle of blubber. I’d have to get a set of cupcake reins to fasten around your fat belly and make you walk to the gym in your cupcake. Would you like that you big cupcake? Would you like me to tie your reins to a treadmill and make you crawl along like a cupcake would? Would you like me to tape a pacifier in your mouth and put cupcake mittens on your hands so you can’t remove it or push any of the buttons to slow the treadmill down? Would you like it if all the women in the gym were laughing at you and I was yelling “come on you fat cupcake wimp! Crawl faster! Do you want me to rip your cupcake off and show all the ladies how unlucky your wife is to have married such a cupcake-dicked blubber-butt loser? Move your fat ass, sissy! Start doing a workout that doesn’t involve hand lotion and a box of tissues! Get your diapered ass in gear before I really lose my temper and stick you in a tutu so you can be a big cupcake ballerina for all the women here to point and laugh at”. Would you like that, sissy? I didn’t think so. So get your fat ass onto the exercise bike and start peddling. By the time your wife gets home tonight, I want you to have lost so much weight that you can squeeze into her favourite red bikini because, whether you like it or not, that’s what you’re wearing to the gym tomorrow. Might as well have that bikini body, sissy. Get moving.”
Empress Josephine

wannabe_cupcake wrote:Hey all. I know I seem to be posting in this thread more than anyone else (so I'm sorry about that) but I thought I'd give another script a try. I'd like to know what the Mistresses here think of it. Fairly standard sissybaby stuff but that's never bad:

EDIT: Actually, I changed my mind. A tad too formulaic.

EDIT 2: I've actually wrote a different one that I prefer more. It's pretty long and I picture it as being very commanding/dominant/angry. See what you think:

“Hey sissy. Your wife told me all about you. She told me how you keep promising her you’ll start going to the gym but you spend your evenings sitting on the couch in front of the television, eating your cheesy doodles and masturbating while watching women’s wrestling. So your wife came to me and practically begged me to turn her chubby hubby into a stud. But looking at you now? A flabby wimp who probably gets out of breath from just walking to the cupcake? I can see I’m going to have my work cut out for me. Oh, who am I? I’m your new personal trainer and fitness instructor but I’m going to be much more than that. I’m a former drill instructor who’ll bark orders at you if you slack off. I’m an ex-gym teacher, the woman who used to bring in all the girl students to point and laugh at you while you tried to do a push-up. And in my spare time? I’m a dominatrix who loves to humiliate weak, wimpy guys like you. I’m not the kind of personal trainer who will give you encouragement and support. I’m the kind of personal trainer who stand you on a treadmill and yell at you while I dangle a copy of Playboy in front of your face on a fishing rod to give you an incentive to run. I’m the kind of personal trainer who’ll think it’s funny to put you in a boxing ring with the local female champion while all the other women watch, just to see you either run away like a sissy or stand your ground and become her punching bag. But to start? Get your ass off that couch and get into this sports bra. You heard me, sissy! Take off your ridiculous masculine clothing and squeeze your fat ass into this pink sports bra and purple cycling shorts that I have for you. Why? Take a look at your blubber tits, fatso. A real man would never have boobs like those poking out of his chest. So you’re going to become my big, fat slut until you lose that weight. In fact, if you weren’t so unattractive, you’d probably be a BBW. Aww, what’s wrong? You don’t like being a girl? Well too bad, fat ass. I’m not here to be your friend. I’m here to make you lose that flabby gut of yours. So from now on, you’re going to be wearing panties instead of boxer shorts, mister. You’re going to be wearing a bra to hold those saggy breasts of yours and if we ever go to the gym, those fat lips of yours are going to be covered in ruby red lipstick and I’ll put blusher all over your chubby cheeks. Oh, and we’ll be changing in the ladies locker room, by the way. Don’t worry, with your tits and a non-existent penis, I’m sure nobody will argue. I can just imagine the other women looking over at you and laughing at you and, considering how pathetic you are, one look at them in their skin-tight leotards will probably make that tiny penis of yours spring to life. Boing! And before you say anything, you should know something; I don’t handle whiners. I don’t do complaining. If you utter one word or excuse to me, expect a punishment. You know the one I like most? “Oh, but it’s just cupcake fat!” Really? Is that what you think, sissy? Well why don’t I just slap a cupcake on your ass and stick a pacifier in your mouth and take you to the gym like that, hm? Better yet, why don’t I call your wife and say “remember your chubby hubby? Well I hope it’s okay but he was whining about his cupcake fat, so I stuck him in a cupcake and now I’m going to start him on a brand new diet of cupcake food and milk from a bottle.” Would you like that, sissy? Considering how fat you are, I’m sure you’d be one hell of a bouncing cupcake boy. But you’re no bundle of joy. You’re just a bundle of blubber. I’d have to get a set of cupcake reins to fasten around your fat belly and make you walk to the gym in your cupcake. Would you like that you big cupcake? Would you like me to tie your reins to a treadmill and make you crawl along like a cupcake would? Would you like me to tape a pacifier in your mouth and put cupcake mittens on your hands so you can’t remove it or push any of the buttons to slow the treadmill down? Would you like it if all the women in the gym were laughing at you and I was yelling “come on you fat cupcake wimp! Crawl faster! Do you want me to rip your cupcake off and show all the ladies how unlucky your wife is to have married such a cupcake-dicked blubber-butt loser? Move your fat ass, sissy! Start doing a workout that doesn’t involve hand lotion and a box of tissues! Get your diapered ass in gear before I really lose my temper and stick you in a tutu so you can be a big cupcake ballerina for all the women here to point and laugh at”. Would you like that, sissy? I didn’t think so. So get your fat ass onto the exercise bike and start peddling. By the time your wife gets home tonight, I want you to have lost so much weight that you can squeeze into her favourite red bikini because, whether you like it or not, that’s what you’re wearing to the gym tomorrow. Might as well have that bikini body, sissy. Get moving.”
I loved doing this although a little long. Have a listen then visit my blog and see where I post it and leave me a sweet comment. ... lubber.mp3
Posts: 140
Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 9:06 am

Oh wow, it was certainly longer than I'd anticipated. But you did a great job, Empress Josephine. Thank you so much! :) I liked your changes, especially the cupcake-themed ones.
Empress Josephine

wannabe_cupcake wrote:Oh wow, it was certainly longer than I'd anticipated. But you did a great job, Empress Josephine. Thank you so much! :) I liked your changes, especially the cupcake-themed ones.
You're welcome. I have been really getting into ABDL lately.

Did you see my blog? It inspired me to start a sissy diet plan. maybe you should get your ass over there and join the sissy summer diet camp.
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Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 9:06 am

Hey all. I wrote a new script today. It's kind of unusual in that it was going to feature a tale about how different races of women all find a sissy to be, well, sissyish, but this first bit took on a life of its own and grew to the point where any more would be far too long. But I like this part, so I'm going to post it as-is. I hope the Mistresses and members here like it too. :)

‘You know, I’ve been thinking. Everyone knows what a helpless sissy you are, don’t they? I’ve lost track of the number of nights I’ve spent dressing you up in a pink frilly dress, with big ruffled panties and little pink shoes with buckles on them. I can’t remember how many times I’ve cupcake you to prance around the room singing “I’m a little tea pot” for the amusement of my girlfriends, just because you think there’s the tiniest, itty-bitty chance we might let you cum in your panties. But that got me to thinking … do all women see you this way? Is there something a little more charming about you amongst older or cupcake women? Or women of different races? So I asked around a little. I started with a few of my African-American girlfriends. You know, the ones I invite round to cupcake-sit you if I have a hot date with a real man? I asked them what they’d do if a sissy wimp like you ever asked them out on a date. Well first, they said they’d laugh their asses off but then, surprisingly, they said they would date you. But don’t get your hopes up, you pathetic little dreamer. They said they’d take you out to an expensive restaurant and make you pay for the entire meal. And if you said one word to them, or looked at another woman or, God help you, if you got a boner in public, they’d slap you across the face right there in the restaurant, strip your ass naked and then leave you on the table with the bill and a few bucks attached your tiny cupcake-cupcake with a rubber band while they went home with your wallet. But if you were a good boy, they said they’d take you home with them. Not only that but they said they’d even have sex with you. No, no, no … what did I tell you about getting your hopes up? They’d have sex with you but not in the “hot stud making the girl cry out for mercy” way. It’d be more like the “helpless sissy bent over the coffee table in a pink bra while the Ebony Goddess abuses him with a strap on” way. You’d probably squeal, squirm and wriggle for dear life while your sissy pussy is getting fucked but you should be grateful; that’s probably the only sex you’re ever going to get. Picture it, sissy; can’t you feel my dominant black girlfriend’s hands on your hips cupcake thrusts and pushes that strap-on into your sissy hole? Can’t you just feel it working its way up your butt-hole as my girlfriend giggles at you and teases you for putting out on the first date? And after all that … you’d probably sputter and glub that little load of yours all over the glass coffee table anyway. That’s how much of a sissy you are! I’m sure my girlfriend would grab you by the hair and cupcake your face down into your mess, still keeping that hard cock in your ass. “Lick it up, slut!” she’d say, “you got a stain on my coffee table!” I’m sure you’d whimper like a cupcake as you licked the sissy-spooge off her furniture and sucked the table clean. But then, I know my African-American girlfriends have standards and they could never be seen fucking some sissy who blows his load with a pink plastic strap-on cock in his ass. She’d lead you to the front door, pushing you along with that dildo still in your cupcake, as you squeal and cry and try to stay on your feet cupcake manhandles you. Then your date would kick your ass out into her front yard, finally pulling the strap-on out of your aching cupcake. I can just imagine her saying, “don’t even think about asking me out again, unless that cupcake dick of yours grows another five inches!” And then, you’ll be cupcake to do your bow-legged sissy-walk home in the rain, or in the snow or in the freezing fucking cold, wearing nothing but your pink sissy bra, with the taste of cum in your mouth and your tiny little cock on display for everyone to see, still sputtering out cum drops, just proving what a sissy wimp you really are.”
Posts: 456
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:34 pm

wnnabe cupcake I will record this for you of course in parts, your scripts are fun and so detailed too long for just one...look for it today or tomorrow
My Blog ~~}
Posts: 140
Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 9:06 am

Oh, thank you Empress Constance! I can't wait to hear another of your audios. You've always been very good to record so many of my scripts and you do an amazing job every time, I can't thank you enough.
Posts: 84
Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:32 pm



Bouncing Up And Down, On My Left Knee-ee
Used To Be My cupcake's, Wimpy Hub-ee-ee
Fixed Her Up, With A Real Man And They Moved To Pair-EE(Paris)
And Instead Of Being Nana, I'm A cupcake On My Second Bay-ei-bee!

Bouncing Up And Down, On My Left Knee-ee
Is My Brand New Sissy-cupcake's, cupcake Fan-ee-ee
His Tiny Little cupcake-cupcake, Couldn't Get My cupcake cupcake-ee-ee
So Princess Dresses, Mary Janes, & Diapers Belongs He!

Bouncing Up And Down, On My Left Knee-ee
Is The Seat Of My Sissy-cupcake's, Soggy DIAP-EE-EE
Muffeled Wah-Wahs Through His Matching, Pink Pass-ee-ee
Proves He'll Always be a cupcake-Dependant Crybabe-ee!

Bouncing Up And Down, On My Left Knee-ee
Is My Little Sissy Princess, Getting More Whine-ee-ee
I Now Feel A Lump And Squishy, On My Sissy-cupcake's Damp-Pamp-ee-eez
So Lets Stop Playing Bouncy-Bronco & Break For A
cupcake Check-EE! ...

[Stop Singing]

*Velcro Sound* (Any Velcro Item Sound You Have In Your House Hold Will Do)

cupcake cupcake-In-Law: *Gasp* [Professional Maternal Tone] "Awww!"

*Velcro Sound Again*

cupcake cupcake-In-Law: "Uppi-Wuppies We Go!"

Tap Tap Tap (A Light Hand Tap On Your Computer Desk Will Do, Indicating You're Patting His Diapers)

cupcake cupcake-In-Law (Mocking Her Former Son-In-Law In cupcake Talk or Lispy Voice): "WAH!...WAH, I Wear Diapers Becwaz I'm Too Wimpy To Even Be In Contwol Of My Own Bothy! That's Why My Withe Left Me!"

[Back To Singing]

Bouncing Up And Down, On My Left Hip-cupcake
Is My Sissy-cupcake, Being Carried To The Nursery-ee
Pattin' Him On His cupcake Fanny, To Remind Him Of His Place-ee
Manhood In His World, No Twace-ee-ee!
Posts: 84
Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:32 pm



Bouncing Up And Down, On My Left Knee-ee
Used To Be My cupcake's, Wimpy Hub-ee-ee
Fixed Her Up, With A Real Man And They Moved To Pair-EE(Paris)
And Instead Of Being Nana, I'm A cupcake On My Second Bay-ei-bee!

Bouncing Up And Down, On My Left Knee-ee
Is My Brand New Sissy-cupcake's, cupcake Fan-ee-ee
His Tiny Little cupcake-cupcake, Couldn't Get My cupcake cupcake-ee-ee
So Princess Dresses, Mary Janes, & Diapers Belongs He!

Bouncing Up And Down, On My Left Knee-ee
Is The Seat Of My Sissy-cupcake's, Soggy DIAP-EE-EE
Muffeled Wah-Wahs Through His Matching, Pink Pass-ee-ee
Proves He'll Always be a cupcake-Dependant Crybabe-ee!

Bouncing Up And Down, On My Left Knee-ee
Is My Little Sissy Princess, Getting More Whine-ee-ee
I Now Feel A Lump And Squishy, On My Sissy-cupcake's Damp-Pamp-ee-eez
So Lets Stop Playing Bouncy-Bronco & Break For A
cupcake Check-EE! ...

[Stop Singing]

*Velcro Sound* (Any Velcro Item Sound You Have In Your House Hold Will Do)

cupcake cupcake-In-Law: *Gasp* [Professional Maternal Tone] "Awww!"

*Velcro Sound Again*

cupcake cupcake-In-Law: "Uppi-Wuppies We Go!"

Tap Tap Tap (A Light Hand Tap On Your Computer Desk Will Do, Indicating You're Patting His Diapers)

cupcake cupcake-In-Law (Mocking Her Former Son-In-Law In cupcake Talk or Lispy Voice): "WAH!...WAH, I Wear Diapers Becwaz I'm Too Wimpy To Even Be In Contwol Of My Own Bothy! That's Why My Withe Left Me!"

[Back To Singing]

Bouncing Up And Down, On My Left Hip-cupcake
Is My Sissy-cupcake, Being Carried To The Nursery-ee
Pattin' Him On His cupcake Fanny, To Remind Him Of His Place-ee
Manhood In His World, No Twace-ee-ee!

End Of Part 1
Posts: 456
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:34 pm

wannabe_cupcake wrote:Oh, thank you Empress Constance! I can't wait to hear another of your audios. You've always been very good to record so many of my scripts and you do an amazing job every time, I can't thank you enough.
The audios are posted I broke it into 2....helpless sissy is the title enjoy!!
My Blog ~~}
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Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:28 am

If any of you gracious, generous, loving mistresses would like me to write an audio script for you, I would be most happy and honored to do so.

I can write any length, I have lots of topic and scenario ideas dancing in my head :lol:

Feel free to post or PM me.

I look forward to being put on the assignment :D

Wishing you the best,
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